
The WalkAide is a great alternative to traditional plastic bracing. It uses programmable electrical stimulation to actively pick-up the foot.



The WalkAide works with the body’s natural muscle movements to provide many benefits that traditional bracing does not.

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Reduced muscle atrophy

Braces often inhibit a group of muscles from performing to create the standard “heel-to-toe” gait pattern. But this can lead to a loss in muscle size and strength. The WalkAide does not restrict any muscles groups, but instead triggers specific muscle action during walking. This results in stronger muscle groups and minimal atrophy.

Normalized walking pattern

Because the WalkAide does not restrict any muscle groups, the body is free to walk with a normal pattern without preventing other activities such as going up and down stairs, ramps or climbing on playgrounds.


Research is showing that the daily use of functional electrical stem helps to engage the users existing nerve pathways.

Is the WalkAide right for me or my child?

Although the WalkAide is a great tool, it is not for everyone. Schedule a free 15 minute video consult to learn more.